We Need Less Political Influence in Public Education – Not More
Two bills that would make school boards and city councils partisan offices, with partisan primary elections, are being considered by the Kentucky General Assembly. The impact of HB50 & SB50 would have harmful effects on local school boards, and the students and districts they serve
HB 3 Introduced
On February 16, 2023, House Bill 3 (HB 3) was introduced in the Kentucky House of Representatives. KASS supports this bill as a positive first step in improving student learning, student attendance, and teacher and student working conditions.
KASS, Education Leaders Recommend Juvenile Justice Reforms
Education leaders from across Kentucky met with the Juvenile Justice Oversight Council on Feb. 9 to highlight the challenges and opportunities within Kentucky’s juvenile justice system. Making common sense options available to school districts and juvenile justice representatives will help improve student learning, student attendance, and teacher and student working conditions, they said.
Kentucky Must Employ Creative Strategies to Lure People to Teaching Profession
Our teachers are trained to be experts in instruction. More than ever, now public school educators and support staff – from administrators to classroom teachers, from bus drivers to nutrition workers – are tasked with additional roles, like counselor, social worker, nurse and investigator, to ensure students’ needs are met, and they’re engaged and ready to learn.
Urging Lawmakers to Make Adjustments to Laws Now to Avert Catastrophic Funding Cliff
A key issue facing Kentucky public schools is so well-known by now it’s almost cliché: our schools are suffering from long-term, persistent underfunding. It’s a problem made even worse by the pandemic, which has disrupted learning for hundreds of thousands of students across our state, and required more resources from our schools and staff than ever before.
Kentucky Kids Facing Mental Health Crisis
This year, Kentucky public schools started to look a lot like they did before the pandemic hit. Most districts returned to in-person classes, masks were optional, and events like sports, graduations and plays took place as they had before COVID-19. But for many of our students, the challenges they continue to face are just as dangerous, but far less obvious.
Warren County Superintendent Rob Clayton Named National Superintendent of the Year
The Kentucky Association of School Superintendents (KASS) today announced that Warren County Public Schools (WCPS) Superintendent Rob Clayton was named the 2022 National Superintendent of the Year by the National Association of School Superintendents.
Kentucky Teachers and School Staff Leaving the Profession in Record Numbers
Ask any parent or guardian who had to guide their child through online classes and virtual schoolwork, and they’ll tell you: teaching is a heroic profession.
House Bill 9 Introduced
On March 1, 2022, House Bill 9 (HB9) was introduced in the Kentucky House of Representatives. KASS strongly opposes this short-sighted and misguided bill, and as it is currently written would harm our schools and communities.
House Bill 1 Passes House
The Kentucky House of Representatives approved the 2022 state budget, but the Kentucky Senate needs to add three key Kids First Kentucky education provisions to the bill. Get more info and find out how you can help now.